The State Data Protection Agency has put a ban on biometric clocking. The Benidorm-based manufacturer has developed an innovative non-biometric solution.

VIGILANT, in constant innovation, has reacted in record time, designing and launching a new, non-biometric solution: THE DYNAMIC QR CLOCKING (ENG VERSION).

The identification of the operator is done by means of A SECURE TEMPORARY QR CODE. The device also supports the use of NFC card.

From the VIGILANT PERSONAL APP, the USER requests the sending of a UNIQUE AND TEMPORARY QR (10 seconds of validity) generated by the system. The same appears on the screen, with which you will clock in by showing it to the QR reader incorporated in the clocking machine. It has a SIM that sends the information of all the signings in real time to the web platform without the need for installation or configuration. Plug in and go. The same clocker connects to the mobile network and autonomously sends the information on the presence of each worker.

“Being manufacturers, it gives us the speed of action in Innovation to respond with immediate solutions to the national and international market.” – Luis Fernández, Technical Director of Vigilant