In large environments, where the surveillance of security personnel on foot is essential, cleaning personnel… it is necessary to have round control. A system that allows the organization, supervision and monitoring of tasks in an easy and simple way. In order to have under control the route of the workers. Know the date, place and exact time of the round. And check that a worker has performed the tasks in all the points that the company has marked.

The fact of hiring a specific operator for a specific job does not guarantee that the work will be carried out correctly. There may be areas that are not passed, either due to carelessness, negligence or for any other reason. Therefore, it is important to bet on a round control system. A system to control the rounds carried out by your operators, generate patterns, configure any characteristic of your rounds and obtain complete reports. Without having to be present.

If you want to control a service in the best possible way, we provide you with different options, for each client the one that best suits the needs of the center where our service is implemented.

Set up the work center and forget about it. As long as your employees perform the shift within the parameters that you have set, everything will be fine. If this is not the case, our VIGILANT web platform will notify you of anomalies, incidents, etc. And when they’re done, you’ll have a work report, ready to file, without the need for messy paper.

Security guards, cleaning staff, guards or any other worker. If you want to keep track and check that your employees comply with the tasks, at the established time and date, the tour… the round control systems will be the most appropriate choice. Control the rounds carried out by your operators, generate patterns, configure any characteristic of your rounds and obtain complete reports.

  • The VIGILANT PROFESSIONAL APP is ideal for a complete management of the operators who are displaced in the different work centers, allowing them to keep track of them and improve productivity.


  • NFC READER to control the operators who are displaced in the clients. The Easy reader is an alternative to the mobile phone and allows control of employee routes through the NFC tags placed on the different clients

lector easy -control horario