There is something we can all agree on: our habits, our daily lives, our way of relating, our behaviour … they have changed. Nothing is the same since the beginning of 2020. The health crisis, in which we are immersed, has forced us to change and adapt to the new normality. A new normality full of measures and obligations that we must adopt to fight Covid-19.
There have been many changes. We are adapting little by little and there are actions that we already carry out with total normality. The QR code is one of them. Perhaps, where it has succeeded the most is in bars and restaurants. Scanning the QR code we can look at the menu. But, it has many other applications: luggage tags, tickets to shows … or its use in public bathrooms so that the user can consult the report of the cleaning carried out and rate the state of the facilities.
What is the QR code?
The QR code (Quick Response Code) is a system for storing information in a square matrix barcode designed to be read with the camera of a smartphone or touch tablet, among others. It is a two-dimensional barcode created by the Japanese company Denso Wave, a subsidiary of Toyota (1994).
How do they work?
QR codes may look like a random set of black squares on a white background, but their complex structure is what essentially allows them to store the information and be decodable by a scanner.
To scan a QR code you need a smartphone and a scanning app. You can access to the content by pointing at the code with the mobile camera.
Vigilant – Easy Reader
At Vigilant, we continue to seek and incorporate advances into our solutions in order to make life easier for our customers and, at the same time, offer an optimal service to their users.
Hygiene and cleaning, currently, have become essential to provide security. If your company has the Easy Reader, apart from having control of the operators who are displaced, managing incidents, controlling the start and end of a service, planning, non-compliance alarms and reports in PDF and Excel, you will be able to offer users the option of knowing and consulting the report of the cleaning carried out in that space by a QR code, the same way as the restaurant menus. There by, the traditional signature sheet found in service stations, schools, shopping centres … will be replaced by a QR code. Plus, users will have the possibility to rate the state of the facilities through icons. These are, tablets, such as those found in airport toilets, for example.
And, best of all, it would be as simple as this. The cleaning operator will record the cleaning carried out in the centre with our system (Easy Reader). This information reaches the web platform in real time and by using the QR code we can show this information to anyone who requests it, apart from, as we have mentioned before, rating the state of the facilities.
Do the test yourself by scanning this QR:

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